Monday, 9 February 2015

SJ5000+ More Exposure Trials

Seagulls plus bread equals some videogenic content so a test of the SJ5000+ with -2.0 EV of underexposure dialled in. The resulting clips show that that still isn't enough to completely tame hotspots making me wonder if the right base setting for exposure has been chosen in the firmware. I was using multipoint metering and ISO 100 so I will have a look at other options.

On the question of optimum ISO it is possible that the base ISO is something other than 100 in which case it is possible that another setting will yield wider dynamic range. A certain amount of blown highlights is acceptable for video where there are dynamic changes in light but a nono for stills. The range of exposure latitude is not enough to assemble multiple exposures to get the benefit of HDR without some tactic to fool the metering. Anyway a couple more clips for your delectation.

The second is also on Vimeo and looks a bit better



  1. Any idea what the best setting for the SJCam 5000+ for scuba diving in clear blue water would be? Have the SJCam M10 & used for diving. Haven't been able to get the correct White Balance/Exposure setting. Tried using the Cloudy White Balance setting but haven't messed with Exposure. Been correcting it well in Adobe Premiere but want to be able to start with a better initial video. When diving, surface light drops off quickly the deeper you go so I'm thinking I need to bump up exposure a bit but I don't want everything to look bleached out. Any thoughts?

  2. I'm afraid anything more than bathwater is out of my depth. I believe some divers use a colour correction filter but this will rob light which is already in short supply! You'll have to experiment. I'd be interested to hear what you find.

  3. Gonna experiment with it soon. Found one red filter online but it only works with GoPro's for some strange reason. It will fit on an SJCAM but the video comes out too red. Awesome blog by the way. It's been an invaluable source for SJCAM 5000+ knowledge along with the RCGroups SJ CAM 5000 Owner's Thread.
