Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Riding with Firmware 2.0

Acquired a new crash helmet yesterday which has a smooth centre allowing fitment of a helmet mount for the first time. The mount could ideally do with being a little curvier but the foam layer in the double sided tape compensates. Despite carefully fixing the mount in the centre the horizon is tilted indicating that I must ride with my head to one side. Quality of video is good, and Vimeo whilst inferior to the original is better than Youtube.

Funning FW 2.0. It's not like me to try firmware from an unofficial source let alone do an update before an important trip but fingers crossed, the bits I need still seem to be working.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

A Rummage in the Toy Box

To come up with the ultimate SJ5000 +video rig.

Take one SJ5000+ in belt clip mount  and smartphone with voice recorder app in 99p Ebay holder. Add Belkin iPhone microphone (found mine in the Pound Shop).
3D print my self designed "Nocuto" LCD magnifier viewer to slip into the belt clip slot. (Lens on its way on a slow boat from China.
Eat your heart out Philip Bloom :-)

I'm sure I can't claim to have invented the idea of a rear screen camera viewfinder but built this many years ago:

From a modified Jessops slide viewer to use on my Olympus C2040.
Anyone interested in getting one of a short production run of my SJ5000 (or SJ4000) viewfinder ? 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

SJ5000+ Stills ISO wierdness

Took a series of shots to test how still images looked over the range of ISOs to find out that the menu's ISO page does nothing. Whatever manual setting used photo EXIF show ISO rated at ISO51(???!!!). Haven't tested Auto ISO yet and still on Firmware v 1.7.  I tested from ISO100 to ISO800 All images look the same and shutter speed, (1/85), was the same so ISO definitely doesn't change. I've emailed SJCAM about this and await their response.

SJ5000+ New Firmware 1.9 is here!!

Link http://www.sjcam.com/download/SJ5000_Plus_FW_V1.9.zip

No time yet to try it myself. Any comments from early adopters are most welcome.

Edit: I've not seen any full account of the changes in this and a hint of trouble with low battery life and overheating so with a trip coming up I won't be rushing into this.